Lots of Talks to awaken your medical curiosity
MOH Talks
Delve into a wide array of MOH Talks spanning various indications and topics. Immerse yourself in insightful presentations and dynamic discussions led by experts. Find the talk that resonates with your interests and embark on a journey of knowledge expansion. Stay informed and engaged with these enlightening experiences. Just find the right one for you.

Pelvic varicose: A mystery to explore
Join us for a compelling 10-part MOH Talk series, led by the esteemed vein specialists Dr. Philippe Lemasle and Prof. Ismaïl Elalamy held in English and French.

Why early lower limb intervention matters and simplifying decision-making
Join us for an insightful MOH Talk, where we explore the critical role of early intervention in lower limb care.
MOH Talk
Veins in motion: Does an active lifestyle remove the risk of vein disease?
Join us for an insightful MOH Talk as we explore the important link between physical activity and vein health.
MOH Talk
Road to Athens: Preview the Venous Symposium Europe 2024!
This MOH Talk will introduce you to the directors and key speakers of the Venous Symposium Europe, happening in October 2024 in Athens.
MOH Talk
MOH Talk: Diagnostic et thérapie du lymphoedéme et des ulcers veineux de jambe
Explore MOH this MOH talk focusing on the latest in lymphoedema and venous leg ulcer treatments. Gain insights from top experts on advanced diagnostic techniques and effective therapies.
MOH Talk
The time factor: Healing venous leg ulcers with compression
MOH Talk
How to live better with lymphoedema
MOH Talks presents a Webinar from August 2022 entitled 'How to live better with lymphoedema'. Tracy Green (Clinical Manager of SIGVARIS GROUP Britain) and Matt Hazledine (co-founder of Lymphoedema United) come together to discuss Matt's journey of living with lymphoedema, sharing his knowledge and experience, as well as tips and clinical exchanges across the hour.
MOH Talk
On the Road to Maastricht: Pre-EVC 2024 MOH Talk
Selected experts will give you an overview of the upcoming EVC 2024 in Maastricht and discuss re-canulization stenting and present highlights from the venous leg ulcer workshop. The EVC represents more than education; it's a chance to foster growth, embrace innovation, learn from renowned professionals, and build meaningful connections with peers from around the world
MOH Talk
Neueste Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen in der Kompressionstherapie
Ein hochaktuelles und kompetent vorgetragenes Programm, das von Professor Rabe und Doktor Gerlach zusammengestellt ist. Das MOH Talks wird erstmals in einem deutschsprachigen Format für Experten aus Deutschland, der Schweiz, Österreich und dem deutschsprachigen Italien angeboten.
MOH Talk
Challenging Venous Ulcer Cases Across Europe: Expert Insights and Treatments
What are the key success factors in the treatment of challenging venous leg ulcer? In our global MOH Talks, highly qualified and experienced experts from Austria, Greece, Italy, and Romania will share insights and provide evidence on successful treatment of venous leg ulcers with medical compression. An event you can't miss.
MOH Talk
Comprehensive Analysis of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management
MOH Talk
Exploring Innovative Treatment Options for Pelvic Varices
MOH Talk
Unlocking the hidden suffering: understanding pelvic venous disorders (PT)
Explore the complex world of pelvic venous disorders with us – medical conditions that often linger in the shadows.
MOH Talk
CVI, DVT and Nausea in pregnancy: What to expect and how to deal with it?
Global female experts will share insights about chronic venous insufficiency in pregnancy and a randomized crossover trila on the effect of compression stockings on nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.