Medical Online Hub

MOH - Medical Online Hub

MOH - Medical Online Hub

Explore the special knowledge platform for lymphatic disorders and insights about compression therapy

Veins in motion: Can exercise prevent vein disease?

Join Dr. Joshua Trock in this MOH Talk to explore the link between physical activity and vein health. Can an active lifestyle reduce the risk of varicose veins and DVT? Learn the latest insights, patient success stories, and practical tips. Don't miss out

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Duplex Ultrasound for perforating veins

Discover the latest in venous ulcer care with expert insights into both classic and modern compression therapies, plus a live demonstration of Punch Graft transplant techniques.

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MOH Connect 4

Ultrasound guided sclerotherapy - indications and life cases

Discover the latest advances in ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy with renowned expert Dr. Erika Mendoza and Dr Joseph A. Gracé.


Road to Athens: Preview the Venous Symposium Europe 2024!

Get a first-hand look at what to expect and meet the minds behind the scenes.


Diagnostic et thérapie du lymphœdéme et des ulcères veineux de jambe

Explore MOH this MOH talk focusing on the latest in lymphoedema and venous leg ulcer treatments.


The evolving world of compression therapy with MOH Essentials

Dive deep into the Essentials of compression therapy and veno-lymphatic disorders featuring expert videos explaining concepts and discussing various disorders.






Navigating the challenges of lymphedema in cancer care: expert insights

Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a frequent complication of different breast cancer treatments, affecting many women worldwide. In this MOH Talk, Dr Vincent Paramanandam and Dr Linda Miller share their insights into prevention and management of BCRL.



Duplex ultrasound of sapheno-femoral junction

Lecture with Dr. Erika Mendoza on Provocation Maneuvres and Exploration of the terminal and pre terminal valve with discussion, as well live-hands on with the patient: common life  exploration of patients, with axial reflux and para-ostial reflux (competent terminal valve). Tricks to elicit blood flow in patients with „difficult“ refluxes.




It is our commitment to supporting and collaborating with the global and regional medical communities offering the go-to platform for online events and education in the field of lymphatic and venous disorders.​ Therefore, we bring in a top-level network of key opinions leaders (KOLs) and relevant, state-of-the-art topics and empower the knowledge exchange between physicians, medical experts and specialists.

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Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), or Chronic Venous Disease (CVD), is a condition characterized by impaired venous blood flow in the legs. It occurs when the valves within the leg veins become damaged or weakened, leading to blood pooling and symptoms such as leg swelling, pain, and skin changes. Risk factors include genetics, obesity, prolonged sitting or standing, and previous blood clots. Management options for CVI encompass lifestyle modifications, compression therapy, medications, and surgical interventions when necessary. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial for effectively addressing chronic venous insufficiency in patients.


Lymphedema is a chronic condition characterized by the accumulation of lymphatic fluid, leading to swelling and discomfort. It occurs when the lymphatic system is unable to function properly due to blockages or damage. Symptoms include persistent swelling, restricted movement, recurrent infections, and skin changes. Treatment options include manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, exercise, and sometimes surgery. Early detection and intervention are crucial for effective management and improved quality of life for patients with lymphedema.


Lipedema is a chronic condition characterized by abnormal fat accumulation primarily in the lower limbs and buttocks. It predominantly affects women and can be misdiagnosed as obesity or lymphedema. Symptoms include symmetrical limb enlargement, tenderness, bruising, and a column-like shape of the legs. Conservative treatments like compression therapy and specialized exercises can help manage symptoms. In advanced cases, liposuction designed for lipoedema may be considered.

Explore our MOH series

MOH Talks

MOH Talks

Delve into a wide array of MOH Talks spanning various indications and topics. Immerse yourself in insightful presentations and dynamic discussions led by experts. Find the talk that resonates with your interests and embark on a journey of knowledge expansion. Stay informed and engaged with these enlightening experiences. Just find the right one for you.

MOH Summary

MOH Summary

Medical articles that take you deep into knowledge

MOH Focus

MOH Focus

Embark on a journey into the realms of phlebology, lymphology, and compression therapy with the MOH Focus. These concise one-pagers provide a glimpse into recent scientific publications, shedding light on the latest advancements in the field. Carefully curated by esteemed experts, these papers offer valuable insights into groundbreaking discoveries and innovative treatments. Expand your understanding of vascular health and enhance your professional expertise with the enlightening MOH Focus.

MOH Essentials

MOH Essentials

Focused expert videos bringing you closer to the Essentials of compression therapy and veno-lymphatic disorders

MOH Bulletin

MOH Bulletin

The MOH Bulletin is a free bi-annual magazine initially published under the name Compression Bulletin by SIGVARIS GROUP. It provides a selection of reviews or summaries of the latest scientific publications in the field of phlebology, lymphology and compression therapy. It is edited by two world-renowned experts in phlebology: Prof. H. Partsch and Prof. E. Rabe. Our MOH Bulletin web articles are published in English; the Bulletins are available for download in English and German.



Livestreamed workshops to Connect clinics, professionals and techniques all over the world