Best practices from Austria
The web seminar starts with Professor Gregor Holzer discussing "The Best Practice for Treating Venous Ulcers." Professor Gregor Holzer presented a case study of a patient with multiple comorbidities, who was diagnosed with livedoid vasculopathy, a rare and painful complication of venous ulcers, that is resistant to conservative treatment. After starting various anticoagulants and immunoglobulins, the ulcer completely healed after adding new modalities of treatment
Take-home messages
- The author shares a difficult case of an 80 year old with very painful ulcer on both legs with many clinical take-home messages
- Diagnosis is essential before management, up to skin biopsy as happened in this case
- Pathology diagnosis is very important
- Full clinical picture and full investigation is very important in ulcer management
- Always keep you therapeutic plan reassessed during the period of treatment as this patient did not improve on the initial management but improved after adding immunoglobulin
- Don’t loose your nerves in venous ulcer management
Dr. Gregor Holzer, AT
Chief physician in Department of Dermatology at Klinikum Donaustadt; University lecturer and educatifor Dermatology and Venerology at Medical University Vienna.
Best practices from Greece and Slovakia
Dr. Papastavrou Dimitrios discussed about "the importance of thermodynamics in the treatment of difficult-to-treat ulcerations and the use of various types of compression therapy to improve patient outcomes". The lively panel discussion, that followed the presentation, highlighted the importance to consider different approaches when treating venous ulcers, like combining sclerotherapy along with different compression device as example the Ulcer-Kit.
Take-home messages
- The basics of ulcer management are still very important
- Following recent guidelines of ulcer management is important
- Compression therapy is still the main stay in treatment of venous ulcer
- Mixed ulcer, venous and arterial, are difficult to manage
- Leg ulcer needs a multidisciplinary team to manage well, especially vasculitis cases
Dr. Papastavrou Dimitrios, GR
Vascular surgeon endovascular phlebologist; private doctor practicing phlebology & vascular surgery as in Thessaloniki Greece & Bratislava Slovakia; speaker at the UIP and lecturer in medcial universities about prodeutic surgery and vacular surgery.
Best practices from Italy
Dr. Luca Gazzabin discussed the topic "CEAP classification, venous ulcer pathophysiology, and the best flow chart for treating such a condition. With evidence-based conclusions". Dr. Luca presented a very complicated venous ulcer case at the pre amputation stage and how the inclusion of medical compression in the treatment strategy has contributed to save the patients limb. Dr Luca showed also a new modality to assess the extend of bacterial contamination in venous ulceration and explained why this has to be considered when deciding on the best treatment strategy.
Take-home messages
- CEAP classification is important in patient management
- Pathophysiology of venous ulcer and effect on vein wall is important
- Assessment of patient with venous ulcer as a whole is very important
- Accurate diagnosis again is very important
- Preparing the floor of the ulcer before healing is important
- In all cases of venous ulcer he has used compression therapy
Dr. Luca Gazzabin, IT
Contract Professor appointment teaching "Diabetic Foot Surgery." University master's degree in "Vascular and Neurodystrophic Cutaneous Injuries of the Lower Limbs in the Diabetic Patient."
Best practices from Romania
The final presentation with the topic "Difficult venous ulcer cases in elderly and overweight patients and how they manage such cases with limited resources while achieving excellent results", was provided by the speakers Dr. Cristian Adrian Siloși and Cătălin Voiculescu. They talked about the prevalence of venous ulcers in Europe, the different treatments available and the importance of medical compression as part of the conservative treatment. The speakers recommended to consider using multiple treatment methods to maximize success, and reminded the participants that ulcers can be life-threatening if they are not treated correctly.
Take-home messages
- Treating risk factors in venous ulcer is important
- Pandemic can affect venous ulcer treatment
- Always keep clinical assessment of venous ulcer cases, even remotely
- There is a place of remote management of venous ulcer
- Multidisciplinary management is important in venous ulcer cases
- Again compression dressing is very important
Dr. Cristian Adrian Siloși, ROU
Medical Doctor specialized in general surgery and vascular surgery; Primary physician in general surgery and vascular surgery; Associate professor at University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova
Cătălin Voiculescu, ROU
Specialist medical assistant in vascular surgery at private hospital REGINA MARIA in Craiova