Lots of Talks to awaken your medical curiosity
MOH Talks
Delve into a wide array of MOH Talks spanning various indications and topics. Immerse yourself in insightful presentations and dynamic discussions led by experts. Find the talk that resonates with your interests and embark on a journey of knowledge expansion. Stay informed and engaged with these enlightening experiences. Just find the right one for you.

On the Road to Maastricht: Pre-EVC 2024 MOH Talk
Selected experts will give you an overview of the upcoming EVC 2024 in Maastricht and discuss re-canulization stenting and present highlights from the venous leg ulcer workshop. The EVC represents more than education; it's a chance to foster growth, embrace innovation, learn from renowned professionals, and build meaningful connections with peers from around the world

Podcast about healing venous leg ulcers with compression
Time plays a crucial role in the management of venous leg ulcers. Learn more in this podcast with Prof Nair and Mr Aviles, moderated by Dr Shamsian.